Logo del Ministerio de Transporte

A partir del 19 de agosto de 2023

La información del Registro Único Nacional de Tránsito la encontrará exclusivamente en WWW.RUNT.GOV.CO

Vehicle History


Request a vehicle’s history. Information that ensures your investment.

Knowing a vehicle’s history is essential for your business transactions.

Before buying a used car find out the vehicle’s history. This digital tool will allow citizens to obtain detailed information about a vehicle nationwide.

By just typing the license plate you can find out in detail the vehicle's background information, such as:

  • List of registered accidents
  • Type of accidents
  • Seizures or registered collaterals
  • History of its owners. Techno mechanical review and SOAT
  • Legal limitations for the vehicle
  • Characteristics (engine serial number, chassis, type of engine, brand)

Keep in mind: Do not forget that for information about owners and their identification, you must select the YES option in the statement that appears in the application: "if you wish, under the right of petition (art 23 CP), owner information..."

Cost of the transaction

Value: $33.963 (VAT included)

In case you have lost the vehicle history document, you have not finished the document generation process or the vehicle history has not arrived to your e-mail, you can consult it with its application and license plate number.



A vehicle history does not replace the certificate of tradition issued by transit agencies. Information provided has been found in the National Traffic Registry at the time of the consultation and information contained in the registry is the product of reports made by the different transit agencies, territorial directions, among others. These actors are report information to RUNT and update it. Therefore, Concession RUNT S.A. does not assume any responsibility for the veracity of this information.

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