Logo del Ministerio de Transporte

A partir del 19 de agosto de 2023

La información del Registro Único Nacional de Tránsito la encontrará exclusivamente en WWW.RUNT.GOV.CO

My crei applications


Small Transporters

According to the 0248 of February 13, 2015 decree and resolution 2901 of August 20, 2015, small transporters who own less than 3 vehicles and seek to replace one of them only once, can gain the tax benefit: "Certification of compliance with requirements for the initial registration of new vehicles in replacement with VAT Exclusion (CREI)",.


  1. The beneficiary must be registered in RUNT. You can verify this by clicking on the link below: Vehicle check by license-plate.
  2. The beneficiary must own at least 3 vehicles, directly or indirectly.
  3. The vehicle subject to replacement must belong to the PUBLIC passenger service and have an active and current operation card, with a contract to provide service in a current transportation company.
  4. The vehicle must have an ACTIVE status in RUNT and must be free of obligations. You can verify this by clicking on the link below Vehicle check by license-plate.
  5. The beneficiary must be registered in the Unique Tax Registry - RUT.
  6. The owner cannot have obtained this benefit beforehand.
  7. The new vehicle must have the same characteristics as the one replaced (passengers, class) and it must provide the same type of services in the same radius of action.

If you meet the conditions above, you can enter to register your CREI process.

Please download and read carefully all the instructions (in spanish) that will guide you through the process:

Mintransporte, Todos por un nuevo país