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A partir del 19 de agosto de 2023

La información del Registro Único Nacional de Tránsito la encontrará exclusivamente en WWW.RUNT.GOV.CO

Frequently Asked Questions


It is defined as an information system that allows registering, updating, centralizing, authorizing and validating information regarding automotive records, drivers, transit licenses, public transport companies, offenders, traffic accidents, insurance, trailers and semi-trailers, agricultural and self-propelled construction machinery, as well as natural or legal persons that serve the sector. (Articles 8 and 9 of Law 769 of 2002 and the relevant part of Law 1005 of 2006).

When making the query of a vehicle by license plate number you will find:

  • Transit license number.
  • Type of service.
  • Vehicle’s status and class.
  • General information.
  • Vehicle’s technical data.
  • Currency of its SOAT policy.
  • Currency of its Technomechanical Review.
  • Requests.
  • Armor-plating information.
  • DIJIN’s Certificate of revision.
  • Certificate of Physical Review.
  • Commitment to total physical disintegration and caution bonds.
  • Operation card.
  • Limitations on property.

When making the query by Identity Document, you will find:

  • Driver's information.
  • Driver status (active or inactive).
  • Number and date of registration on RUNT.
  • Driving licenses.
  • Fines and infractions (as applicable)
  • Current medical certificates.
  • Certificates of fitness in driving.
  • Information requests.

You can perform the following inquiries:

  • Query by Identity Document.
  • Query of the Vehicle by license plate number
  • Renewal of cargo vehicle fleet (only for owners of this type of vehicle)


It is important to consider that, in accordance with the communiqué 277 of July 27, 2010 of the National Civil Registry, and subsequent provisions, draft documents are established as proof that the document in question is in process, but it is not considered a document that replaces an identity card.Due to RUNT’s characteristics, in which the citizen's fingerprint is taken through biometric devices, only original documents provide necessary data to complete the registration process. Our recommendation is to wait for the issuance of a new document to subsequently make a RUNT registration.

A Colombian citizen who resides abroad can register on RUNT through a proxy attaching supporting documents that verify his/her current place of residence. Can I register for the RUNT if I am a foreigner? Yes. Foreigners can register with a foreigner's identification card or passport. Can I register for the RUNT if I am a minor? If a citizen who is going to register with RUNT is a minor, he/she can register with his/her identity card.

Yes. If a person cannot carry out his/her procedures personally, the citizen can grant power to someone else. In which case he/she must first notarize and authenticate said power (with fingerprint evidence); and later the person with said power of attorney must register on RUNT. The Transit Agency may confront whether the authorizing people and the owner of the vehicle are the same people, with the signature of the owner registered on RUNT.

When the citizen approaches a Traffic Agency to register he/her must: present his/her citizenship card, place the fingerprint of the right index of the reader and sign on the corresponding device. Once the process is finished, the system will assign an enrollment number.

Registration is a continuous process that has no deadline to comply, therefore citizens can do so at the time they need or require to

This registration process has been designed with the citizen’s needs in mind; therefore, it is a brief and agile process.

Yes. Registration on RUNT is valid nationwide.

This registration can be made only one, at any time and in any Transit Organization or Territorial Body.

If the legal representative is going to carry out procedures related to the ownership of a vehicle in the company’s name, that involves the delivery of a transit license or if he/she is going to register information on RUNT as a user of the system, he/she must previously register and register his/her fingerprint on the system; this process takes place through the registration as a natural person.

In the HQ-RUNT application there is the option: "REGISTER PERSON WITHOUT FINGERPRINT". This option allows transit agency officials prior validation and approval of relevant documentation so that a special registry in the system will allow the record WITHOUT FINGERPRINT at the time of registering the natural person on the RUNT system. In this option, the reasons for not having a fingerprint and the competent entity that certifies it must be registered. Once these activities have been carried out a person can proceed with the normal registration process. Only those who have undergone the process described above can be registered on RUNT without the fingerprint capture. For the case object of consultation or for those who suffer from a temporary illness that erases their fingerprints, an EPS or health system certification must be provided as a supporting document, in its original.

Anyone can fill out the registration process on RUNT. However, if you are not going to carry out any procedures, you don’t need to be registered on RUNT. Remember that it is mandatory for nationals or foreigners over 16 who own a vehicle or have a driving license. It is also recommended for those national or foreign citizens who intend to acquire a vehicle in the short term, take out their driver's license or carry out a procedure related to transit or transportation.

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